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Teeth Whitening Treatment in Dubai

Best dental clinic in Jumeirah

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What is Teeth Whitening?

In teeth whitening treatment, your teeth are bleached in order to whiten them during teeth whitening. Your teeth won’t become shining white, but the color can be lightened by many shades.

Who needs teeth whitening treatment?

Dentistry includes the practice of teeth whitening, which should only be done by a dentist or another licensed dental professional, like a dental hygiene professional or dental therapist, under a dentist’s direction.

Teeth whitening services are offered by some beauty salons, but performing that without a dental professional present is illegal and could harm your oral health.

Additionally, DIY kits for at-home teeth whitening are available, but they could also be risky.

Tooth discolouration has a variety of causes. Even though many reasons are preventable, some are beyond our control. Discoloration is brought on by:
drinking cola, alcohol, tea, or coffee frequently
Consuming tobacco and smoking
high fluoride consumption in childhood
Accidental or traumatic injury that results in lasting decay in developing teeth
The aging process can also cause teeth to get stained.
Additionally, a number of medical procedures can discolor teeth.

Teeth Whitening Treatment Procedure

To track the success of the therapy, your dentist will first take a picture of your teeth. Additionally, this is done to evaluate your teeth for discoloration.
After a checkup, the dentist will start by cleansing the tooth. He will remove the covering that additional chemicals or the food you eat have caused to build on your enamel. After this, the bleaching process starts. Depending on how severe the tooth stains are, the complete process might take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes.

Your dental professional will first cover gums before using a whitening substance on your teeth. The dentist may advise you to continue the procedure at home for just a few days if your teeth are severely discolored and some whitening chemicals require laser therapy to be used on them.
You can also choose a home whitening procedure, in which case your dentist will design a mouthpiece that is specially fitted to your teeth based on an impression of your teeth. This makes it easier for the teeth-whitening agent to remain in place.
Additionally, without a prescription whitening solutions are available, although they are only effective on lightly discolored teeth.


Is it painful ?
Generally it is not painful. you might feel a minor burning sensation if by mistake the solution
leaks which we make sure do not happen. Some times you feel soreness especially in lower
front teeth for which your dentist will prescribe you medications.

What precaution I need to take after whitening ?
Just 30 min no eating, drinking and avoiding staining foods (saffron curries) and liquids(soft
drinks, wines) for 24 hours. However most manufacturers say you can but still precautionary.

How long will it last?
1-2 year. Depending on person to person. Like most hair color/ bleaching you need touch ups the
same way. But I’m sure the sitting will be much shorter and faster

Any side effects?
Sensitivity is a common side effect. However a good whitening kit does have a desensitizing
agent incorporated in it. Some supply aftercare paint too to overcome sensitivity.
But if you have sensitive teeth and wish for whitening, I recommend you to start using
desensitizing toothpaste for 15 days prior to whitening and continue for next 1-2 weeks.

Do I need special care to maintain it?
Regular 2 time brushing and flossing and twice weekly use of whitening toothpaste just to keep it
stain free.

My daughter/son is 14 years old. Can he undergo whitening?
Most dentists agree it should not be done before the age of 16/18 years old.
As younger teeth are more porous there are more chances of sensitivity in the younger

How do I opt for home whitening /office whitening?
It’s up to your preference. Both are equally effective .Your dentist can suggest you better after
doing your check up.

Can my fillings/crown can also be whitened with the same sitting?
No restorations can’t be whitened, it’ll only work on natural teeth. If you want restoration to be whiten it needs to be replaced.

Is it mandatory to put a crown after root canal treatment?
Not necessarily. However if the damage to the tooth is much due to caries ,which is mostly the
case .we need to have a crown.

Do I need any cleaning/scaling before this procedure?
Whitening is a cosmetic procedure so it should be done only when gums are healthy and free of
plaque and calculus and hence we always do it in packages with scaling in one sitting and
whitening after 1-2 week. But if no deposits gums are healthy no harm in direct whitening.

How do I do home whitening at home? Do I require any special trays?
Yes do require trays to load materials. Some kits have one size fit, some kits are required to
make a tray after taking your dental impressions.

Free Teeth Whitening Treatment Consultation

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